Upcoming Events
9 Feet Tall is trying on some new shoes at the moment... please stay
tuned for upcoming events!
Past Events
- July 13th: Holy Grounds - Allendale, NJ.
- June 3rd: Private party - Baby Dedication, Springfield, NJ.
- May 19th: 2007 Christian Music Festival, First United Methodist Church of Passaic, NJ.
- May 12th: Community Worship at the Park, Babbage Park, North Brunswick, NJ.
- May 12th: Women's Brunch, Montgomery Evangelical Free Church, 246 Griggstown Road, Belle Mead, NJ 08502.
- May 10th: Commerce Bank Arena, Somerset, NJ. Somerset Patriots "Faith Night". Sponsored by Star 99.1.
- April 14th: Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for North Brunswick Community Park, NJ.
- Feb. 11th: Middle Collegiate Reformed Church, Greenwich Village, New York City. Just Pete, with special guest Beth Scibienski.
- Jan.: Every Sunday – Worship at The Community Presbyterian Church of the Sand Hills, Kendall Park, NJ. Just Rob and Pete.
- Jan. 27th: Community Worship Service at Ramada Inn, Hwy 1 South, North Brunswick, NJ. Gerry on drums, joining band of local Christian musicians.
- Dec, 9th: House of Grace Coffeehouse in Royersford, PA.
- Nov, 18th: First United Methodist Church of Passaic, NJ.
- Nov, 11th: Montclair Community Church Retreat at Tuscarora Retreat, PA.
- Sept 15th: Gabriel's Cafe at St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church, Manalapan, NJ.
- Sept 10th: Rally Day at MEFC, Belle Mead, NJ.
- Sept 7th: Outdoor concert at 2nd Reformed Church, Rutgers University.
- July 31st: August 4th: Week-long VBS Mom's Class at MEFC, Belle Mead, NJ. Just Kath.
- June 24th: Worship Celebration for private event, featuring Tony Yuhas. Princeton, NJ.
- June 9th: "Carnival" at St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church, Rts. 79 and 520, Marlboro, NJ.
- May 24th: Worship for Women's Bible Study Brunch, Montgomery Evangelical Free Church, 246 Griggstown Road, Belle Mead, NJ. Just Kath.
- May 25th: Commerce Bank Arena, Somerset, NJ. Somerset Patriots "Faith Night" - Sponsored by Star 99.1.
- Apr. 22nd: Safe Haven Cafe, Somers Point NJ 08244.
- Mar. 12th: The Community Presbyterian Church of the Sand Hills, Kendall Park, NJ.
- Nov. 19th: Karen's Place, Doylestown, PA (www.karensplace.org).
- Oct. 22nd: International Family Church - Anniversary Worship Celebration, Linwood Middle School, North Brunswick, NJ.
- Oct. 14th: Refuge Coffee House, Bridgewater Baptist Church, Bridgewater, NJ.
- Sept. 17th: New Brunswick Theological Seminary, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, NJ.
- Aug. 26th: Barnes & Noble, North Brunswick, NJ.
- July 31st: Pava-Lava-Java, West Milford, NJ.
- July 22nd: Emack & Bolio's, North Brunswick, NJ.
- July 25th - 29th: "Mom's Class" at MEFC, Belle Mead, NJ. (Kathy only)
- May 14th: Groveville United Methodist Church Groveville, NJ.
- May 8th: Worship at Crosspointe Church, Princeton, NJ.
- May 7th: The Joy Underground coffeehouse, North Brunswick, NJ.
- April 15th: Cafe DeLight, Belle Mead, NJ.
- March 19th: "The Shepherd's Place", Old Bridge NJ.
- Nov 6th: Joy Underground, Kath (acoustic) with special guest Kristin
- Nov 5th & 6th: Tri-State Missions
Conference at MEFC, Belle Mead, NJ
- Oct 22nd: The Joy Underground, North Brunswick, NJ - opening for "Plain
- Sept 11th: Kingston Volunteer Fire Department Community Bar-B-Q,
Kingston, NJ
- Aug 27th: Reformed Church Home (just Kath), Old Bridge, NJ
- Aug 13th: CD Release Party for "Worn Out Shoe". 7:30 pm - 10:30
pm at The Joy Underground, North Brunswick, NJ Details...
- July 24th: Cafe Under the Lights at MEFC, Belle Mead, NJ
- June 26th: Worship in the Park, Dunellen NJ.
- June 19th: The Deep End Cafe, Lambertville, NJ.
- May 15th: The Shepherd's Place, Old Bridge NJ.
- May 8th: Women's Luncheon at MEFC, Belle Mead, NJ.
- Apr 16th-17th: Church Retreat at Keswick in Whiting, NJ.
- Mar 26th: The Refuge Coffeehouse, Bridgewater, NJ
- Mar 6th: Joy Underground Coffee House, North Brunswick, NJ
- Feb 21st: Holy Grounds Cafe, Allendale, NJ.
- Feb 7th: Wilson Books, Princeton, NJ.
- Jan 30th: Café D'Light, Montgomery Evangelical Free Church, Griggstown,
- Jan 11th: Youth Worship Night at Christ Church in Short Hills, NJ.
- Nov 21st: The After, Millington Baptist Church, Basking Ridge, NJ.
- Nov 8th: New Hope Cafe, Staten Island, NY.
- Oct. 24th: Borders Books, Midstate Mall, East Brunswick, NJ.
- Oct. 14th: New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick Chapel.
- Oct. 11th: Free Community Fair, Woodlot Park on New Road in South Brunswick.
- Sept. 26th: Borders Books, 601 Nassau Park Blvd., Princeton, NJ.
- Sept. 20th: North Brunswick Heritage Day (Babbage Park).
- Sept. 12th: Borders Books, 290 Commons Way, Bridgewater, NJ.
- Sept. 6th: Leukemia Fund Raiser for Team in Training Marathon, Somerset, NJ.
- Aug 5th: Middlesex County Fair, East Brunswick, NJ.
- July 27th: Mercer County Fair, Mercer County Park Fair Grounds, NJ. (View pics)
- May 10th: Oasis Coffee House, Hamilton, NJ.
- May 30: Refuge Coffee House, Bridgewater Baptist Church, Bridgewater, NJ.
- May 3rd: Nancy's Cafe, S. Broad Street, Hamilton, NJ.
(View pics)
- Apr. 7: Comcast Local Band Spotlight channel 97, 9:00 pm
- Apr. 4: Borders Books, 290 Commons Way, Bridgewater, NJ.
- Mar. 14: Borders Books, 601 Nassau Park Blvd., Princeton, NJ. (View pics)
- Mar. 13: Art Reception at North Brunswick Town Hall.
- Jan. 23: Art Reception at North Brunswick Town Hall.
- Jan. 19: New Brunswick Presbyterian Church, New Brunswick, NJ. Worship service / Coffee House.
- Dec. 2nd: North Brunswick Christmas Tree Lighting.
- Nov. 23rd: Bunkerhill Lutheran Church, Griggstown, NJ.
- Nov. 10th, 7:00 pm, Jamesburg Assembly of God Healing Meeting
- Nov. 4th, 9:00 pm, Comcast Local Band Spotlight channel 97
- Aug. 11th: Ebenezer Coffee Shop on Rt. 27 in Princeton
- July 27th & 28th: Mercer County Fair
- June 10th, 9:00 pm, Comcast Local Band Spotlight channel 97